Talent Employment Inc. is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace free from actual, attempted, or threatened violence in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Act requirements. Management will take all reasonable precautions to prevent workplace violence and to protect employees at the workplace.

Workplace violence is defined under the Occupational Health and Safety Act as:

  • the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace that causes physical injury to the worker;
  • an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker; or
  • a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.

Violent behaviour in the workplace is unacceptable from anyone. Workplace violence may arise from a variety of source including customers, contractors, employers, supervisors, workers, members of the public, and domestic partners. Everyone is expected to uphold this policy and work together to prevent workplace violence.

There is a workplace violence program that implements this policy. It includes measures and procedures to protect workers from workplace violence, a means of summoning immediate assistance and a process for workers to report incidents, or raise concerns. All employees will adhere to this policy and the supporting program. Everyone is encouraged to raise any concerns about workplace violence and to report any violent incidents or threats.

Concerns should be entered into a Violent Incident Report. Management will investigate and address all incidents of workplace violence in a timely and fair manner, respecting the privacy of all concerned as much as possible.

Talent Employment Inc., as the employer, will ensure that this policy and the supporting program are implemented and maintained and that all employees and supervisors have the appropriate information and instruction to protect them from violence in the workplace.

Approved: ________________________
Maria Gemma Fuentes
January 6, 2017


Management Responsibilities

⦁ Proactively provide a positive workplace with zero tolerance towards violence in the workplace
⦁ Have a clear and effective Workplace Violence Policy
⦁ Ensure the policy and program are implemented and reviewed as often as is necessary
⦁ Treat all persons with respect and dignity
⦁ Understand and abide by the requirements of the Workplace Violence Policy and its program
⦁ Communicate and review the policy and program with the employees they supervise or manage
⦁ Ensure a copy of the policy is posted in a conspicuous place in the workplace
⦁ Provide and participate in information and instruction sessions for employees related to workplace violence
⦁ Provide information, including personal information, related to a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behaviour, if the (a) employee can be expected to encounter that person in the course of his or her work and (b) risk of violence is likely to expose the worker to physical injury. Disclosure of information is limited to no more than is necessary to protect the worker from physical injury
⦁ Encourage employees to report complaints or incidents of workplace violence
⦁ Approach an employee if violence or the threat of violence is suspected because some employees may be embarrassed, reluctant, or otherwise unable to report a violent incident or threat of violence
⦁ Notify the police, as warranted, depending on the nature of the actual or potential violent incident
⦁ Promptly report all complaints or incidents of workplace violence to their superior and seek their resolution
⦁ Respond, address, and investigate complaints or incidents of workplace violence in a professional and timely manner appropriate for the circumstances of the complaint or incident in accordance with the Workplace Violence program
⦁ Provide employees who have been subjected to workplace violence and their coworkers who witnessed the incident(s) with appropriate supports
⦁ Collaborate with the JHSC in conducting workplace violence risk assessments and reassessments after a reported complaint or incidence of violence
⦁ Develop and implement measures and procedures to address the workplace violence risks identified in the risk assessment
⦁ Notify the HSC when measures and procedures identified in the risk assessment have been implemented
⦁ Review the Workplace Violence Policy and Program as often as is necessary
⦁ Serve as workplace co-ordinator with respect to workplace violence for their respective department and ensure that all requirements of the Workplace Violence Policy are implemented in their department

Health and Safety Committee Responsibilities

⦁ Assess the risks of workplace violence, as often as is necessary, but always within 30 days after a reported complaint or incidence of violence
⦁ Identify measures and procedures to control the risks identified in the assessment and provide these to managers in writing
⦁ Provide the measures and procedures identified to control risks created as a result of a reassessment following an incidence of workplace violence to the incident investigator within 30 days of the incident
⦁ Promote the principles of the Workplace Violence Policy to the employees

Employee Responsibilities

⦁ Refrain from any form of violence
⦁ Be aware and comply with the Workplace Violence Policy and Program at all times to protect themselves and others in the workplace from workplace violence
⦁ Take part, in good faith, in training and educational activities related to workplace violence risks in the workplace
⦁ Report immediately all incidents of workplace violence that occur or are likely to occur to their supervisor or any other member of management without fear of reprisal or retaliation
⦁ In the case of extreme or imminent threat or physical harm to themselves or any person from workplace violence, contact the Police immediately
⦁ Cooperate fully in the investigation of complaints or incidents of workplace violence


All employees have a duty to report workplace safety issues, including workplace violence to their Manager or the Owner. All complaints or incidents are to be recorded on the Violent Incident Report Form.

Any person subjected to workplace violence should, where appropriate, go to a safe place in the workplace and report the incident to their supervisor or any member of the Management Team so that the incident can be investigated and addressed. In the case of extreme or imminent threat or physical harm to a n employee or any person from workplace violence, the Police should be contacted immediately.


The following incident levels should be used as a guideline to take the necessary action to minimize workplace violence situations in the Talent Employment Inc. office.

This table includes our workplace policy regarding: incident, staff action, Management Action and consequence to non staff offender.


All complaints or incidents of Level Two workplace violence and all complaints or incidents of workplace violence where the alleged perpetrator is an employee of Talent Employment Inc. will be promptly investigated by the management staff member who received the report. The investigation will be conducted as quickly and confidentially as possible in the circumstances. The investigation will include:

⦁ A documented review with the complainant and/or victim
⦁ A documented review with the alleged perpetrator(s)
⦁ A documented review with any witnesses with relevant information to proved
⦁ Any other step the investigator deems necessary to fully and fairly investigate the complaint or incident.

At the conclusion of the investigation into a complaint or incident, the investigator(s) will prepare a written report identifying:

⦁ The nature of the alleged incident of violence
⦁ The nature of the investigation conducted
⦁ Any findings of fact reached by the investigator
⦁ Potential changes to existing policies, procedures, physical premises and devices, employee training, or measures that could help prevent a recurrence
⦁ The form or nature of resolution achieved, where the investigator was able to resolve the matter informally or through mediation
⦁ Non-binding recommendations with respect to future conduct of any employee in the report

Where the perpetrator is an employee of Talent Employment Inc., the supervisor of the perpetrator will take any necessary disciplinary action. The severity of any disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from employment, will be consistent with the seriousness of the conduct at issue such that more significant discipline will follow more serious conduct or repeated violations.

No reprisal, whether actual or threatened, against a person who initiates or contemplates initiating a complain t of workplace violence will be tolerated. An employee who participates or is involved in a reprisal, whether actual or threatened, may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including possible termination of employment.

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